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  • Starting back at school 1st September 2020

    Thu 27 Aug 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I hope that all of our families have enjoyed a relaxing summer break.  As we come towards the end of the summer holiday we are preparing to open our school to all pupils on Tuesday 1st September and I would like to take this opportunity to update everyone on the current government guidelines and to remind parents of the specific arrangements for each class when we return next term.  I also hope to answer the questions asked by parents during the holidays.   The more detailed information sent at the end of last term is at the end of this letter as a reminder – please do take the time to read it prior to the start of term.

    The latest guidance states that all children should return to school in September.  During the holidays, our premises and cleaning teams have worked hard to ensure that our school is clean and that clear systems are in place for movement around the site.  Where possible, teachers have organised classrooms so that all children face the front of the room and soft furnishings have been removed.   There are sanitisers throughout the school and hand washing will continue to be of paramount importance throughout the day.   We would ask that no additional bags or belongings are brought into school other than the list provided in this letter.  Bathrooms, tables and all other hard surfaces will be cleaned throughout the day to keep the spread of germs to a minimum and lunch will continue to eaten in class bubbles, outside if the weather permits.

    You will be aware that the need for quarantine following travel abroad has increased recently and families must follow these guidelines if affected.  If your family does need to quarantine please let the school office know.  This list is under constant review so please do keep an eye on the news if you are intending to travel or have just returned from a holiday abroad.

    We have been asked about the wearing of face masks in school, the government guidance states that face masks should not be worn in school by children or staff.

    We will not routinely be taking children’s temperature as they come into school but, if they are showing symptoms, we may check if they have a temperature.  Parents will be contacted immediately if children show any signs of being unwell.  Please ensure that the contact details we hold for you are up to date. Please do not send you child to school if they have a cough, fever or any other signs of COVID.  Testing will not be routinely offered to schools at this point but there are a number of testing stations locally and all families should be able to access a test quickly if needed.

    Our risk assessment and behaviour management policy are on the website and I would urge parents to read them before the start of term.  The risk assessment is regularly updated to recognise the latest government guidance.  We must, however, recognise that changes can happen very quickly so please look out for Facebook, Parent mail or website alerts if the situation changes before Tuesday 1st September.  

    If you have any queries or concerns please contact and we will respond before

    the start of term.

    Please enjoy the last few days of the break and I look forward to seeing everyone next week.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mrs L Martin

    Head of School


    What to bring to school

    • Lunch box if they are bringing their own packed lunch
    • Named water bottle
    • Hats and sun cream as lots of learning will take place outside. (It is helpful if sun cream is applied before children come to school as we are unable to assist with this)
    • Book bags
    • Swimming kit
    • No toys or trading cards may be brought in from home.
    • Children should not bring additional bags to school 

    School uniform

    Children should wear their normal school uniform.  We would ask that children have school shoes with a pair of trainers or plimsolls for PE as most PE will take place outside.  In order to minimise bags and changing in school, children should wear their PE kit to school on the days they do PE. 

    PE days:

    Wednesdays – Little Ospreys (Pre-School) and Doves (R/Year 1)

    Thursdays – Owls (Y4/5/6)

    Fridays – Kestrels (Y2/3)

    Swimming lessons will begin from week 2 of next term (w/c 7th September). We will send out details of the swimming timetable at the beginning of next term. As per Mrs Milner’s letter a little while ago, we will be introducing a charge for swimming lessons from September. This will be £2 per child, per week. This enables us to ensure the pool is well-maintained and that we are able to provide fully trained aquatic rescuers and swimming teachers for each session. Payments will be made via ParentPay.

    One-way system

    To try to minimise traffic on the school path into school, please use the pedestrian entrance and use the path when coming onto the school grounds and head to the specified entrance point for your child (details below). Once you have left your child at the entrance, please leave the path using the yellow gate nearest to you and walk back down to the exit on the car park side of the blue fence, exiting through the vehicle entrance gates. Staff will all have arrived in school so this will be safe. Parents/carers should not use the school car park please to ensure pedestrian safety.

      Drop off and pick up


    Bubble Group

    Entry time and drop off point

    Exit Time and collection point




    Little Ospreys Pre-School

    9.00am Little Osprey’s Fire Door at the front of school

    12pm, 1pm or 3:15pm Little Osprey’s Fire Door at the front of school




    Doves (Reception and Year 1)

    8.50am Doves wooden gate to their outside area at rear of school

    3.15 Doves wooden gate to their outside area at rear of school




    Kestrels (Year 2 and Year 3)

    8.40am Kestrels Fire Door at the rear of school

    3.15 from main entrance – please queue outside the front of school on the ramp




    Owls (Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6)

    8:45am Little Ospreys Fire Door at the front of school

    3:20pm Little Ospreys Fire Door at the front of school

    Please leave your child at the entrance to school in a morning; do not come into the school building. If you need to talk to your child’s class teacher, please call or email the office to make a telephone appointment.  You may only enter the school building if you have a pre-arranged appointment.

    Breakfast Club

    From 1st September, we will be running our Red Kites breakfast club. This will run from 7:30am until 8:50am each day. Please note that there is a small price increase and this will now cost £3.50 per session, which can be paid via ParentPay. There are a maximum of 10 spaces and spaces must be booked in advance via Breakfast club will have to run slightly differently from September, as children from different class bubbles will not be able to mix. Each class bubble group will use a separate table in the school hall. Activities will be table based and children will not be able to move between tables. Children should use the main office entrance to come into school for breakfast club. If your child will use Red Kites Breakfast Club, please talk to them about the changes in how it will run so that they understand what they will need to do so we can maintain all pupil safety.

    After school clubs

    We will not be running any after school clubs in Term 1. This is to ensure that bubbles of children do not mix. We will continue to review the guidance and as soon as we are sure it is safe to do so, after school clubs will resume. Please ensure that you make arrangements for your child/children to be collected at the finish times specified for each class group.

    Structure of the day

    On the first morning, each ‘bubble’ will create a new class contract when staff will discuss the rules that we need to follow in our classrooms and around school, with a particular focus on the ‘keeping safe’ aspect of our school rules. We will provide children with the resources and seating arrangements needed to encourage social distancing, as far as possible, and lessons will need to be organised differently, without opportunities for group work so that staff and children are able to keep a safe distance from each other.

    The day will be structured in a very similar way to how it was prior to closure, so that children will be used to the routines – children from Year 1 upwards will access Literacy and Maths lessons during the morning and afternoon sessions will be based around each class topic for the term. A curriculum letter will be sent to you at the beginning of next term so you are able to discuss and support learning at home.


    Unfortunately, we will not be able to bring all children together for an assembly each morning and we are not allowed to sing in groups for the time being. Last term, we successfully trialled assemblies using Microsoft Teams to link the classes for an assembly each day and this will continue in September.

    Break times/lunch times

    Each class will have ‘break time’ and ‘lunch time’ but these times will look a little different to normal as we are not able to bring the children together to mix outside of their ‘bubbles’. There will be staggered times for morning break and these sessions will be supervised by ‘bubble staff’. Fruit will be available for all children in EYFS and KS1 but please send a healthy snack for children in KS2 – this should be a piece of fruit or a cereal bar. We would ask that children do not have items such as packets of crisps or biscuits as part of their morning snack please.

    At lunch time, children will eat inside their classroom or outside if the weather permits. For Term 1 we will continue to provide packed lunches for the children in Key Stage 1 and for those children eligible for free school lunches. If your child in Key Stage 2 is not eligible for a free school meal, you may still order a ‘packed lunch’ in the usual way. 

    Children will be encouraged to wash their hands at the beginning and end of break times and before eating.

    Staying safe

    Each class and key stage bubble will work together to produce a set of rules at the beginning of the first day.  They will include how and when to wash hands, how to cough and sneeze safely and how to keep a sensible distance.  Please do talk to your children about the importance of following instructions. We also trust that you are following the government’s social distancing guidelines outside of school.

    Symptoms of Coronavirus

    We will continue to review all government guidelines and keep you informed of any changes to our provision as they are needed. Please ensure that the latest government guidance is followed and if children develop symptoms of coronavirus, all members of the family should stay at home for 14 days. Children can return to school sooner if they have been tested and receive a negative test result – please see for the latest information on how to book a test. In the event of a positive Covid test result, all parents/carers will be informed and we will adhere to the latest guidance to ensure the safety of our school community.
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